Friday, December 1, 2006

Lame Trick Works Well

Next time, if you wanna know a gorgeous stewardess, read on.

Some time ago, a friend told me that he and his buddy was on a plane to Langkawi. They saw this pretty and gorgeous stewardess who they wanna know. Thinking out of the box (which they did everyday in the office), they take out the vomit bag and wrote:" Hi, I am XXX from sit no. 16c. Can I know you?" When the stewardess walk pass, they throw the vomit bag onto the floor and true enough, the stewardess pick it up and walk toward the back of the plane.

At first they were disappointed as they thought the stewardess did not respond to the message. However, right before the plane landed in Langkawi, the stewardess approached them and ask:"Did you actually mean for other passanger?" She continued saying:" If yes, she will help to pass to the passanger." My friend was shock and said:"No, it's meant for you." The stewardess just smile and walk away.

Not giving up, they took out a second vomit back and wrote down their handphone number. Right after the plane landed, before they depart from the plane, the pass the vomit back to another stewardess and told her to pass to the pretty stewardess. End of story? No way. To their supprise, the stewardess actually called them and now they are good friends.

I asked my friend, this lame trick (throwing vomit bag) actually work? He told me that the stewardess told him that "This is a new trick she encountered because everytime, most people pass their name card and she is bored about that. Vomit bag something different"

Try it out next time if you on the plane and if you wanna know a gorgeous stewardess :) good luck!!!

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