Thursday, November 30, 2006

Kancil Awards

Kancil Awards
Originally uploaded by lowtristan.

"Yes Boss" ... This was my answer to my boss when he asked me to take the shoot for the two awards our department has won this year.

Deeply inside me, i feel honored to be assigned this task. However, the date line was tomorrow and that night i had a wedding dinner to attend to. So, without letting my wife down (her friend's wedding), i have to burn mid-night oil.

When I reach home, it was about 11pm and sitting there cracking my head how to make the two block look interesting. Finally I just take up my camera and start shooting it. Finish it at about 2am in the morning.

The next day when i pass the CD to my boss. I was happy to find out that he like the photos and have send them to the top management .

Visit for more photos

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